Absent bribery, fraud or a statutory prohibition, the payment of referral fees is not illegal. In California, the relevant law covering a contractor’s ability to use referrals as lead generating sources is found in Cal. Bus & Prof Code § 7157. This law prohibits contractors that install solar, storage and other clean technologies from paying…

The CSLB is holding a meeting on Thursday, March 21 at 8:00 AM at the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay in San Diego to consider whether solar C-46 contractors (and General A and B) can continue to install energy storage systems or whether only C-10 electrical contractors can do the installations. This is an important issue…

Estriatus Law partners with CALSEIA to offer CALSEIA members a special member to member promotion.  As an exclusive benefit for CALSEIA members, Estriatus Law offers new clients who are members of CALSEIA 25% off their first three months of legal services. Beyond investing in CALSEIA’s policy and regulatory work to keep the California market humming along, CALSEIA membership also provides companies with many…